Setting up an ESP32 in Arduino IDE
Have you ever think about programming an ESP32 in Arduino IDE in Arduino Programming Language?
Let us have a look on how it shall be done.
Before that, just ensure that you are having the latest version of Arduino IDE. (simply check here
To install ESP32 in your Arduino IDE, follow these instructions.
- In your Arduino IDE, go to File>Preferences (Ctrl+comma[,])
- Copy and paste this code in Additional Board Manager URLs field.
For ESP8266
For ESP32
To add both, just use a comma (,) in between the links. After that click OK.
3. Open the Boards Manager by using Tools>Board>Board Manager…
4. In the search field, search ESP32. You will find ESP32 by Espressif Systems. Install it.
5. Congratulations. You’ve successfully setup ESP32 for your Arduino IDE.
To check whether the installation is successful or not, try to select ESP in Tools>Board and you will find ESP32 Dev Module. Set the port and start playing with your board. If you don’t see the COM Port in your Arduino IDE, you need to install the CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers.